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Designed for mission-critical applications, the GMR6000 provides legally traceable time signals by establishing a local physical realization of time and maintaining consistent and compliant signals for a wide variety of applications.

A linked image of Network Timin g Technology

Network Timing Technology: NTP vs. PTP

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A linked image of PNT Satellite Systems

GPS vs. GNSS: Understanding PNT Satellite Systems

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A linked image of GPS Network Time Synchronization

How Does GPS Network Time Synchronization Work

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GPS Antenna & Cable Information

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A linked image of NTP Server

Network Time Synchronization: Why You Need an NTP Server

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A linked image of IRIG-B Time Code

Understanding IRIG-B Time Code

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From landmark findings like the Hafele Keating Experiment, to the fundamentals theories of Physics like Schrodinger's Cat, endulge in the editorials written by Masterclock Chief Scientist, Dr. Demetrios Matakis.

Dr. Demetrios Matsakis attended MIT as an undergraduate and received his PhD in physics from UC Berkeley, where he studied under the inventor of the maser and laser; and built specialized ones in order to observe interstellar dust clouds where stars are born. His first job was at the U.S. Naval Observatory, building water vapor radiometers and doing interferometry to observe quasars and galaxies at the edge of the observable universe. After developing an interest in clocks, Dr. Matsakis would spend the next 25 years working hands on with most aspects of timekeeping - from clock construction, to running the USNO's Time Service Department, to international policy. He has published over 150 papers and counting, but gets equal enjoyment out of beta-testing his personal ensemble of Masterclock products.

Dr. Demetrios Matsakis

Presentation by John Clark, CEO & Dr. Demetrios Matsakis, Chief ScientistTime Behind and Beyond the Clock

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Archived papers of Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) from the U.S. Naval Observatory's Time Service Department.

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Time Behind and Beyond the Clock

Company NewsTime Behind and Beyond the Clock

Watch the presentation delivered by Masterclock CEO John Clark and Chief Scientist Demetrios Matsakis as they discuss the history and evolution of time and timekeeping

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Masterclock Launches GMR6000 Time Server

Company NewsMasterclock Launches GMR6000 Time Server

Masterclock today announced the launch of their latest advanced timing device with the first shipment of the GMR6000 time servers.

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Eclipsophobia and Eclipsomania

By. Dr. MatsakisEclipsophobia and Eclipsomania

While the world stood staring in awe at the solar eclipse of April 2024, so did I. But I also studied the role of this celestial event in our history, from cultural interpretations to scientific findings.

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An Introduction To Timekeeping and Modern Time Transfer

By Dr. MatsakisAn Introduction To Timekeeping and Modern Time Transfer

When Dr. Parameswar Banerjee asked me to coauthor a book about the science of timekeeping I turned him down. Twice. But it certainly wasn’t for lack of love.

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Letting The Chips Fall

By Dr. MatsakisLetting The Chips Fall

When my son was all of three years old, he asked me how to make a car. I told him it takes a lot of people to make one, and each person makes one part. He understood that, though...

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Shedding Light on Dark Matter

By Dr. MatsakisShedding Light on Dark Matter

Recently an article appeared in Nature Astronomy suggesting that dark matter could be detected by flying a clock near the Sun[1]. If it succeeds there will be something poetic about it, because the very...

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Lasers, Masers, And Their Creators

By Dr. MatsakisLasers, Masers, And Their Creators

The French say that success has 100 fathers, but failure is an orphan. The French say a lot of things. In my younger days I took that as a cynical, though probably correct, observation of human...

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Explanation And Requirements For Universal Time (1970)

Timing HistoryExplanation And Requirements For Universal Time (1970)

This subject strongly depends on feedback and is one of extreme importance for the Observatory, which asks for your patience, all of you who are not directly...

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Using SSH to Configure Masterclock

Industry LiteratureUsing SSH to Configure Masterclock

Typically in a Windows OS, you will use Masterclock’s free WinDiscovery software to establish first-time networking configuration. However, in Windows, Linux, UNIX, Macintosh and...

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Schneider ION Meter

Success StoriesSchneider ION Meter

For more than 150 years, Schneider Electric has been known for its excellence and innovative nature in respect to energy management. The company has evolved to master the industry of electricity...

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621B Satellite System (1970)

Timing History621B Satellite System (1970)

Synchronization of effort is the cornerstone of military tactics. It is this fact which influences the evaluation of System 621B as a time transfer device. System 621B is an illustrative example of the application of space...

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A Few Comments on Omega (1970)

Timing HistoryA Few Comments on Omega (1970)

First, I would just like to reiterate Mr. Fletcher’s comments concerning the synchronization of OMEGA to the international time base, as specified by the...

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A Portable Rubidium Fountain (2010)

Timing HistoryA Portable Rubidium Fountain (2010)

We are developing a transportable laser-cooled rubidium (Rb) atomic fountain frequency standard. Over the last year, we have built the Ramsey...

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A Synoptic Study of Sudden Phase Anomalies (SPA's) Effecting VLF Navigation and Timing (1973)

Timing HistoryA Synoptic Study of Sudden Phase Anomalies (SPA's) Effecting VLF Navigation and Timing (1973)

Sudden phase anomalies (SPA’s) observed on VLF recordings are related to Sudden Ionospheric...

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A Time Reference Distribution Concept for a Time Division Communication Network (1973)

Timing HistoryA Time Reference Distribution Concept for a Time Division Communication Network (1973)

Starting with an assumed ideal network having perfect clocks at every node and known fixed transmissions...

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All Chain Loran-C Time Synchronization (1973)

Timing HistoryAll Chain Loran-C Time Synchronization (1973)

A program is in progress to implement coordinated universal time (UTC) synchronization on al Loran-O transmissions. The present capability is limited to...

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An Aeronautical Beacon System Using Precise Time (1973)

Timing HistoryAn Aeronautical Beacon System Using Precise Time (1973)

An experimental system using previse time techniques is presently under construction and will be tested in 1974. It will provide accurate surveillance data to...

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An Analysis and Demonstration of Clock Synchronization by VLBI (1972)

Timing HistoryAn Analysis and Demonstration of Clock Synchronization by VLBI (1972)

A prototype of a semireal-time system for synchronizing the DSN station cocks by radio...

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Applications of Radio Interferometry to Navigation (1973)

Timing HistoryApplications of Radio Interferometry to Navigation (1973)

Radio astronomy experiments have demonstrated the feasibility of making precise position measurement using interferometry techniques. The application...

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Atomic Standards Test and Evaluation (1971)

Timing HistoryAtomic Standards Test and Evaluation (1971)

The U.S. Army Electronics Technology and Devices Laboratory, ECOM, Forth Monmouth, New Jersey, was asked at the end of 1969 by the then Naval Applied...

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British American Satellite Time Transfer Experiment (1972)

Timing HistoryBritish American Satellite Time Transfer Experiment (1972)

At last year’s PTTI we ran an actual time transfer between two building approximately 300 feet apart. We did this by means of a satellite approximately 500...

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Calibrated VLF Phase Measurements - Simultaneous Remote and Local Measurements of 10.2-kHz Carrier Phase Using Cesium Standards (1972)

Timing HistoryCalibrated VLF Phase Measurements - Simultaneous Remote and Local Measurements of 10.2-kHz Carrier Phase Using Cesium Standards (1972)

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Characteristics of Advanced Hydrogen Maser Frequency Standards (1973)

Timing HistoryCharacteristics of Advanced Hydrogen Maser Frequency Standards (1973)

In house research and development of Goddard Space Flight Center to provide advanced frequency and...

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Clock Synchronization Experiments Using OMEGA Transmissions (1973)

Timing HistoryClock Synchronization Experiments Using OMEGA Transmissions (1973)

The OMEGA transmissions from North Dakota on 13.10 and 12.85 kHz were monitored at several...

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Comments on NavSat Time Distribution (1970)

Timing HistoryComments on NavSat Time Distribution (1970)

I would like to make some comments and would speak to the last three presentations which have been made I think the range is very wide—perhaps between...

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Delay Time Measurements of the Propagation of Radio Waves in the Atmosphere (1972)

Timing HistoryDelay Time Measurements of the Propagation of Radio Waves in the Atmosphere (1972)

Between 1964 and 1970 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers established networks of accurate...

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Demonstration of Intercontinental DSN Clock Synchronization by VLBI (1973)

Timing HistoryDemonstration of Intercontinental DSN Clock Synchronization by VLBI (1973)

The prototype system for Deep Space Network (DSN) clock synchronization by VI, BI has been...

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Digital Frequency Control of Satellite Frequency Standards (1973)

Timing HistoryDigital Frequency Control of Satellite Frequency Standards (1973)

In the Frequency and Time Standard Development Program of the TIMATION System, a new...

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Disciplined Time and Frequency Oscillator (1971)

Timing HistoryDisciplined Time and Frequency Oscillator (1971)

The aim of the PTTI Program is to provide to the user a coordinated time systems that can be reference to the Naval Observatory Long-range transfers will be...

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DMA Precise Time and Time Interval Requirements (1973)

Timing HistoryDMA Precise Time and Time Interval Requirements (1973)

The Defense Mapping Agency, as well as its predecessors, has been a user of time for a number of years as part of the geodetic astronomy and...

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DOD Precise Time and Time Interval Conference Report (1969)

Timing HistoryDOD Precise Time and Time Interval Conference Report (1969)

A central source of coordinating all agencies’ clock trips was suggested to avoid two or more teams visiting the same area at approximately the same...

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DSCS PTTI Transfer (1971)

Timing HistoryDSCS PTTI Transfer (1971)

This will be a discussion on the background and the future of the Defense Satellite Communication Program. I am going to give an introduction to our satellite system, where we are and where we are...

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Facilities and Services in the Time Department of the Royal Greenwich Observatory (1973)

Timing HistoryFacilities and Services in the Time Department of the Royal Greenwich Observatory (1973)

The Royal Greenwich Observatory plays a unique role in timekeeping having both national and...

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Fiber Optic Links for PTTI Dissemination (1971)

Timing HistoryFiber Optic Links for PTTI Dissemination (1971)

This paper is about the fiber optic development work that has been going on at the Naval Electronics Laboratory Center, particularly an application of...

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Flexible Bulb - Large Storage Box Hydrogen Maser (1973)

Timing HistoryFlexible Bulb - Large Storage Box Hydrogen Maser (1973)

The principal limitation of the accuracy of the hydrogen maser as a primary frequency standard has been the irreproducibility of the frequency shift caused by...

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Future DCS Objectives in Communication Network Timing and Synchronization (1973)

Timing HistoryFuture DCS Objectives in Communication Network Timing and Synchronization (1973)

The Defense Communication System will be moving rapidly toward providing switched digital service to...

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Hawaii PTTI Test Bed (1972)

Timing HistoryHawaii PTTI Test Bed (1972)

The Navy’s Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) program concerns many syst3ems having to do with communications, navigation, and other time-coordinated activities. To assess the ability of…

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Hydrogen Masers and Other Standards (1971)

Timing HistoryHydrogen Masers and Other Standards (1971)

This paper is concerned with some of the standard which were discussed in previous pagers. The first picture, Figure 1, is a source of what I really...

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Instrumentation for One-Way Satellite PTTI Applications (1973)

Timing HistoryInstrumentation for One-Way Satellite PTTI Applications (1973)

A review of general principles and operational procedures illustrates how the typical passive user and omni receiving antenna can recover PTTI...

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Intermediate Term Frequency Measurements with the HP Computing Counter in the USNO Clock Time System (1972)

Timing HistoryIntermediate Term Frequency Measurements with the HP Computing Counter in the USNO Clock Time System (1972)

High precision frequency measurements with...

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Interpretation of VLF Phase Data (1972)

Timing HistoryInterpretation of VLF Phase Data (1972)

VLF phase tracking finds application in: long-range standard frequency distribution, long-range clock synchronization, global radio navigation, global...

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Ionospheric Effects on One-Way Timing Signals (1973)

Timing HistoryIonospheric Effects on One-Way Timing Signals (1973)

A proposed navigation concept requires that a user measure the time-delay that satellite-emitted signals experience in traversing the distance between...

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Long-Range Position Determining System (LRPDS) (1971)

Timing HistoryLong-Range Position Determining System (LRPDS) (1971)

The Long Range Position Determining System (LRPDS) is being developed by the Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories. The MRPDS is designed...

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Low Cost Automated Precise Time Measurement System (1973)

Timing HistoryLow Cost Automated Precise Time Measurement System (1973)

The Aerospace Guidance & Metrology Center (AGMC) has the responsibility for the dissemination of Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) to Air Force timing...

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Microwave, Optics, Lasers, and Other Exotic Systems (1970)

Timing HistoryMicrowave, Optics, Lasers, and Other Exotic Systems (1970)

It is good to work in a real world if possible and the real world in time and frequency has had a look over the years as shown in Figure 1. NRL has been active...

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Mini Modem for PTTI Dissemination (1971)

Timing HistoryMini Modem for PTTI Dissemination (1971)

Precise comparisons of clocks are now regularly made over several Defense Satellite Communication System (DSCS) trunks employing communications modems...

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Moon-Bounce Time Synchronization (1970)

Timing HistoryMoon-Bounce Time Synchronization (1970)

This report contains a brief discussion of the time synchronization experiment performed during the summer of 1970 with the Moon-Bounce Time...

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NASA Hydrogen Maser Accuracy and Stability in Relation to World Standards (1972)

Timing HistoryNASA Hydrogen Maser Accuracy and Stability in Relation to World Standards (1972)

Frequency comparisons were made among five NASA hydrogen masers in 1969 and gain in 1972 to a...

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OMEGA Navigation System (1970)

Timing HistoryOMEGA Navigation System (1970)

The subject of this paper is precise time and time interval dissemination via the OMEGA Navigation System. Dissemination of time and time interval is an incidental fallout of OMEGA, and this…

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OMEGA Time Transmissions and Receiving Requirements (1971)

Timing HistoryOMEGA Time Transmissions and Receiving Requirements (1971)

The possibility of using VLF signals for time transmissions became evident when the received signal phase was found extremely table over...

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OMEGA Timing Receiver, Design and System Test (1972)

Timing HistoryOMEGA Timing Receiver, Design and System Test (1972)

Each OMEGA Navigation Station is scheduled to transmit two unique frequencies separated by 250Hz. These signals can be used to transfer precise time...

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Operational Stability of Rubidium and Cesium Frequency Standards (1972)

Timing HistoryOperational Stability of Rubidium and Cesium Frequency Standards (1972)

In the course of testing various rubidium and cesium frequency standards under operational conditions...

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Panel Discussion Following the Third DOD PTTI Strategic Planning Meeting (1971)

Timing HistoryPanel Discussion Following the Third DOD PTTI Strategic Planning Meeting (1971)

In the FSK mode of time marking at Northwest Cape as discussed by Dr. Winkler, is it not possible to...

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Path Delay, ITS Variations, and Some Implications for the Field Use of Precise Frequency Standards (1971)

Timing HistoryPath Delay, ITS Variations, and Some Implications for the Field Use of Precise Frequency Standards (1971)

In order to assess the practical utility of high...

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Performance and Results of Portable Clocks in Aircraft (1971)

Timing HistoryPerformance and Results of Portable Clocks in Aircraft (1971)

During the first two weeks of October, 1971, R.E. Keating of the U.S. Naval Observatory and I flew twice around the world on regular scheduled commercial...

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Performance of the New Efratom Optically Pumped Rubidium Frequency Standards and their Possible Application in Space Relativity Experiments (1972)

Timing HistoryPerformance of the New Efratom Optically Pumped Rubidium Frequency Standards and their Possible Application in Space Relativity Experiments (1972)

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Precise Time and Time Interval PTTI Dissemination via the LORAN-C System (1970)

Timing HistoryPrecise Time and Time Interval PTTI Dissemination via the LORAN-C System (1970)

During the last decade the rapid growth of time/frequency technology has brought forth...

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Precise Time and Time Interval Data Handling and Reduction (1973)

Timing HistoryPrecise Time and Time Interval Data Handling and Reduction (1973)

In the past year, the increase in PTTI data to be reduced to the U.S. Naval Observatory Master...

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Precise Time Frequency for the Defense Communications System (1971)

Timing HistoryPrecise Time Frequency for the Defense Communications System (1971)

The role of Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) in the Defense Communications Systems (DCS) is...

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Precise Timing Correlation in Telemetry Recording and Processing Systems (1973)

Timing HistoryPrecise Timing Correlation in Telemetry Recording and Processing Systems (1973)

Independent PCM telemetry data signals received from missiles must be correlated to within ±100...

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Precision Frequency Sources (1972)

Timing HistoryPrecision Frequency Sources (1972)

Frequency and Time Systems, Inc., is organized to supply state-of-the-art precision oscillators based upon internal development programs, advanced...

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Precision Time Distribution within a Deep Space Communications Complex (1972)

Timing HistoryPrecision Time Distribution within a Deep Space Communications Complex (1972)

The Precision Time Distribution System (PTTI) at the Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex...

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Precision Timing and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) (1972)

Timing HistoryPrecision Timing and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) (1972)

Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) is a technique which is was developed by radio astronomers...

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Proceedings from Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Strategic Planning Meeting Vol. 1 (1970)

Timing HistoryProceedings from Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Strategic Planning Meeting Vol. 1 (1970)

The Second Department of Defense Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Strategic Planning Meeting...

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Proceedings of the Fifth Precise Time and Time Interval Planning Meeting (1973)

Timing HistoryProceedings of the Fifth Precise Time and Time Interval Planning Meeting (1973)

This volume contains the papers presented at the Fifth Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI)...

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Proceedings of the Fourth Precise Time and Time Interval Planning Meeting (1972)

Timing HistoryProceedings of the Fourth Precise Time and Time Interval Planning Meeting (1972)

This volume contains the papers and panel discussions presented at the fourth Precise Time...

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Proceedings of the Third Annual Department of Defense Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Strategic Planning Meeting (1971)

Timing HistoryProceedings of the Third Annual Department of Defense Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Strategic Planning Meeting (1971)

The Third Annual Department of Defense (DOD)...

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PTTI Relating to the VERDIN Communications System (1971)

Timing HistoryPTTI Relating to the VERDIN Communications System (1971)

VERDIN is the Navy’s VLF system to replace the present FSK modulation on our VLF and on some of our LP broadcasts. The first installations are...

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Real Time Synchronization via Passive Television Transmission (1971)

Timing HistoryReal Time Synchronization via Passive Television Transmission (1971)

A method to utilize television transmission in a passive mode for the real time synchronization of clock has...

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Recent VHF-UHF Satellite Timing Experiments at the National Bureau of Standards (1970)

Timing HistoryRecent VHF-UHF Satellite Timing Experiments at the National Bureau of Standards (1970)

The work to be described is concerned with satellite timing systems that would serve a large number...

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Requirements and Performance for Today's Atomic Standards (1970)

Timing HistoryRequirements and Performance for Today's Atomic Standards (1970)

This paper addresses the requirement, specifications, and performance for atomic frequency standards in general. Requirements for universal time and...

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Results of the Long Range Position-Determining System Tests (1973)

Timing HistoryResults of the Long Range Position-Determining System Tests (1973)

The Long Range Position-Determining System (LRPDS) has been developed by the Corps of...

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Role of Precision Clocks in Future Underwater Tracking Systems (1971)

Timing HistoryRole of Precision Clocks in Future Underwater Tracking Systems (1971)

The purpose of the paper is to provide information on Navy underwater three-dimensional tracking...

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Satellite Communications System (1970)

Timing HistorySatellite Communications System (1970)

The responsibility of the Naval Observatory to maintain precise time coordination on a worldwide basis requires frequent comparisons of distant time...

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Second Generation Timing System for Ranging Experiment Apollo Lunar Laser (1972)

Timing HistorySecond Generation Timing System for Ranging Experiment Apollo Lunar Laser (1972)

The following is a brief description of the current status of timing electronics for the new Lunar Laser...

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Some Services of the Time and Frequency Division of the National Bureau of Standards (1973)

Timing HistorySome Services of the Time and Frequency Division of the National Bureau of Standards (1973)

The Time and Frequency Division of the NBA provides several services to the general public. The radio...

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Stability and Noise Spectra of Relative Loran-C Frequency Comparisons (1973)

Timing HistoryStability and Noise Spectra of Relative Loran-C Frequency Comparisons (1973)

Relative comparisons of Loran-C frequency transmissions between the master station of...

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Stability Characteristics and Application Techniques for Precision Frequency Sources (1971)

Timing HistoryStability Characteristics and Application Techniques for Precision Frequency Sources (1971)

We would like to go back to some fundamentals...

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Statistical Properties of High Performance Cesium Standards (1973)

Timing HistoryStatistical Properties of High Performance Cesium Standards (1973)

The intermediate term frequency stability of a group of new high-performance ccsium beam tubes...

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Submicrosecond Time Transfer between the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia via Satellite (1973)

Timing HistorySubmicrosecond Time Transfer between the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia via Satellite (1973)

During 1972 time transfer experiments were run...

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The Automated Astronomic Positioning System (AAPS) (1973)

Timing HistoryThe Automated Astronomic Positioning System (AAPS) (1973)

The Control Data Corporation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, under contract to Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, L.G. Hanscom Field, Bedford...

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The Color Bar Phase Meter - A Simple & Economical Method for Calibrating Crystal Oscillators (1973)

Timing HistoryThe Color Bar Phase Meter - A Simple & Economical Method for Calibrating Crystal Oscillators (1973)

Comparisons of crystal oscillators to the rubidium...

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The Correlation of VLF Propagation Variations with Atmospheric Planetary-Scale Waves (1973)

Timing HistoryThe Correlation of VLF Propagation Variations with Atmospheric Planetary-Scale Waves (1973)

Variations in the received daytime phase of long distance, ccsium-controlled, VLF transmissions...

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The Effect of Changes in Absolute Path Delay in Digital Transmission Systems (1971)

Timing HistoryThe Effect of Changes in Absolute Path Delay in Digital Transmission Systems (1971)

One useful aspect of synchronous digital transmission is that we are not limited by noise in any given...

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The Global Rescue Alarm Net (GRAN) Experiment (1972)

Timing HistoryThe Global Rescue Alarm Net (GRAN) Experiment (1972)

The OMEGA Position Location Experiment (OPLE) was performed in 1967 by the Goddard Space Flight Center in order to demonstrate a position location and...

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The Incremental Phase Shifter and PRN Time Transfer (1971

Timing HistoryThe Incremental Phase Shifter and PRN Time Transfer (1971

An experiment is being planned which will be run early next summer from a satellite under development by the Applied Physics Laboratory for the Polaris people...

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The NBS Frequency and Time Satellite Experiment Using ATS-3 (1971)

Timing HistoryThe NBS Frequency and Time Satellite Experiment Using ATS-3 (1971)

The work to be described is part of the National Bureau of Standards’ (NBS) continuing effort to provide...

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The Uses and Limitations of HF Standard Broadcasts for Time and Frequency Comparison (1972)

Timing HistoryThe Uses and Limitations of HF Standard Broadcasts for Time and Frequency Comparison (1972)

The most practical methods of using high-frequency (HF) broadcasts for frequency and time comparison...

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Timation III Satellite (1972)

Timing HistoryTimation III Satellite (1972)

This satellite is the third in a series of experimental satellites designed to investigate and demonstrate the techniques of a satellite navigation system. Timation III is designed to measure the error budget...

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TIMATION Navigation Satellite (1970)

Timing HistoryTIMATION Navigation Satellite (1970)

TIMATION is not a system; but rather it is technology that can lead to a system. The only satellite navigation system that exists is the Navy TRANSIT system...

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Time, Geodesy, and Astrometry - Results from Radio Interferometry (1973)

Timing HistoryTime, Geodesy, and Astrometry - Results from Radio Interferometry (1973)

The results from a total of a dozen transcontinental and intercontinental VLBI experiments will be...

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Time and Frequency for Digital Telecommunications (1972)

Timing HistoryTime and Frequency for Digital Telecommunications (1972)

Time and frequency (T&F) are fundamental and pervasive parameters of telecommunication technology. Advancing development of digital...

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Time and Frequency Relating to Collision Avoidance System (1971)

Timing HistoryTime and Frequency Relating to Collision Avoidance System (1971)

This paper is a discussion of the history of the collision avoidance program and the current status of FAA plans and requirements. First, however, some basic...

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Time and Frequency Requirement for the Earth and Ocean Physics Applications Program (1972)

Timing HistoryTime and Frequency Requirement for the Earth and Ocean Physics Applications Program (1972)

My talk will outline some of the time and frequency requirements we have for the Earth and Ocean...

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Time and Frequency Requirements for Radio Interferometric Earth Physics (1973)

Timing HistoryTime and Frequency Requirements for Radio Interferometric Earth Physics (1973)

Two systems of VLBI (very Long Baseline Interferometry) at J.P.L are now applicable to...

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Time and Frequency Standardization (1971)

Timing HistoryTime and Frequency Standardization (1971)

I take great pleasure in coming over to these rather hallowed halls of the Naval Research Laboratory. May I remind you that our Naval Observatory, which...

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Time Dissemination Methods for Network and Local Television- Abstract (1970)

Timing HistoryTime Dissemination Methods for Network and Local Television- Abstract (1970)

The National Bureau of Standards is conducting experiments in the utilization of television for...

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Timing Receiver for Timation Satellite (1971)

Timing HistoryTiming Receiver for Timation Satellite (1971)

This paper presents a brief review of the various methods of time dissemination and a discussion of the timing receiver developed for use with the...

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Timing Requirements for the Sanguine ELF Communications System (1972)

Timing HistoryTiming Requirements for the Sanguine ELF Communications System (1972)

The requirements for transmitter stations clocks are 0.3ms (1s)± 1 ms for receiver clocks. It is of...

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Tracking the Lunar Rover Vehicle with Very Long Baseline Interferometry Techniques (1972)

Timing HistoryTracking the Lunar Rover Vehicle with Very Long Baseline Interferometry Techniques (1972)

Very Long Baseline Interferometry is a highly accurate method for determining the angular positions of...

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TRANSIT Improvement Program Timing Experiments (1972)

Timing HistoryTRANSIT Improvement Program Timing Experiments (1972)

The most recent TRANSIT satellite launched introduced new system timing capabilities of the Navy Navigation Satellite System. The characteristics...

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Transit Navigation Satellite (1970)

Timing HistoryTransit Navigation Satellite (1970)

The Applied Physics Laboratory has nothing particularly spectacular to offer in the form of time transfer; however, the navigation satellite system has provided precision time from the beginning...

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Use of Propagation Corrections for VLF Timing (1972)

Timing HistoryUse of Propagation Corrections for VLF Timing (1972)

The theory of VLF timing from phase measurements is briefly reviewed with attention to both frequency and epoch. Propagational aspects are noted without...

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UTC Worldwide Adjustment (1971)

Timing HistoryUTC Worldwide Adjustment (1971)

It is the purpose of this paper to provide one more opportunity to remind you of the coming changeovers, to give you some of the reasons and details, to solicit questions, and to find out if you anticipate any...

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Utilization of Fisk Communications for Time (1972)

Timing HistoryUtilization of Fisk Communications for Time (1972)

The original purpose of this paper was to present off-the-air data on the recovery of the time stream transmitted by the VLF station NBA at Summit...

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Very Long Baseline Interferometry (1972)

Timing HistoryVery Long Baseline Interferometry (1972)

Historically, applications of interferometry have been primarily for astronomical purposes beginning with the work of A.A. Michelson and F.G. Pease in 1920...

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Visibility of LED Digital Clock Displays

Industry LiteratueVisibility of LED Digital Clock Displays

Masterclock digital clock displays range in digit size from 0.6 inches (1.5 cm) to 7 inches (20 cm). Our digital clocks use diffused LEDs to create light...

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Kenney Space Center

Success StoriesKenney Space Center

Kennedy Space Center is NASA's rocket launch headquarters, the home of our nation’s outer space and orbiting satellite programs. Users at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) rely heavily on system...

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What is Network Time Protocol (NTP)?

Industry LiteratureWhat is Network Time Protocol (NTP)?

Network Time Protocol (NTP) is an open standard Internet protocol that utilizes standard Ethernet wiring to synchronize computers, clocks, networks...

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What is Time Code?

Industry LiteratureWhat is Time Code?

Time code is a low power audio signal similar to the signal of a modem that contains time and date information. This signal can be transmitted over inexpensive coaxial cable and wiring such as…

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GMR5000 Master Clock Solution

Industry LiteratureGMR5000 Master Clock Solution

Masterclock’s newest master clock server, the GMR5000 changecan support and synchronize hundreds of thousands of NTP devices on a local area network (LAN) to act as an enterprise-wide…

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The Network Time Protocol (NTP) Advantage

Industry LiteratureThe Network Time Protocol (NTP) Advantage

Network Time Protocol (NTP) is widely used in LANs and WANs to synchronize computer clocks to national standard time. NTP sets up a reference server...

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Synchronized Clock Systems for Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities

Industry LiteratureSynchronized Clock Systems for Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities

In hospitals and medical care facilities, time is critical. Reports, charts, and recorded procedures require consistent time entries to ensure accurate...

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Masterclock Exhibiting at PTTI 2016

Industry LiteratureMasterclock Exhibiting at PTTI 2016

Masterclock, Inc. will be exhibiting at the 2016 PTTI meeting in Monterey, California, January 25-28, 2016. The Precise Time and Time Interval Systems...

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Simple and Affordable: Hi-Res PTP Time Sync Over Ethernet

Industry LiteratureSimple and Affordable: Hi-Res PTP Time Sync Over Ethernet

Achieve high-resolution time synchronization without expensive infrastructure changes. The GMR5000 Master Clock change and the CyTime™ Sequence...

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Masterclock at DATT Summit 2016

Industry LiteratureMasterclock at DATT Summit 2016

Masterclock attended and provided timing for the inaugural DATT ( Defense and Aerospace, Test and Telemetry) Summit in the Washington, D.C. area. DATT Summit  is a new convention and trade show...

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Modular Time Zone Clocks

Industry LiteratureModular Time Zone Clocks

Masterclock’s new time zone clocks change can be combined to create a unique time zone display.  Each clock can be customized with red, blue, green, amber, or white* (*time line only) LEDs, with a 4- or 6-digit...

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Accurate Time Stamping for Video Surveillance

Industry LiteratureAccurate Time Stamping for Video Surveillance

Video surveillance is an essential feature of any modern security system. Without accurate time stamps, however, surveillance video cannot...

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Masterclock Proud to Sponsor Blind Luck Air Racing

Industry LiteratureMasterclock Proud to Sponsor Blind Luck Air Racing

Held every September just north of Reno, the National Championship Air Races have become something of a northern Nevada tradition, drawing aviation...

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FINRA Clock Synchronization Regulations - Are You in Compliance?

Industry LiteratureFINRA Clock Synchronization Regulations - Are You in Compliance?

In April 2016, the Securities and Exchange Commission approved a proposed rule change...

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2016 Leap Second

Industry Literature2016 Leap Second

Everybody knows about leap years and that extra day that gets added to the calendar every four years or so. However, few know about the leap second, which is added on a sporadic basis to ensure that the 24-hour...

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Synchronizing Industrial Automation Systems Over Ethernet

Industry LiteratureSynchronizing Industrial Automation Systems Over Ethernet

From SCADA (supervisory control and data-acquisition) systems to PLCs (programmable-logic controllers), industrial automation includes...

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Global Time Zones: When Time is Money, Your Clock Better Be Accurate

Industry LiteratureGlobal Time Zones: When Time is Money, Your Clock Better Be Accurate

In today’s economic world, the word on the tip of all of our tongues is “globalization.” Long before the days...

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Synchronizing Airport Terminals and Air Traffic Control Systems

Industry LiteratureSynchronizing Airport Terminals and Air Traffic Control Systems

Maintaining accurate time is key in the travel industry, especially in airport terminals and air traffic control systems. Airports and airlines are particularly...

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Understanding IRIG-B Time Code

Industry LiteratureUnderstanding IRIG-B Time Code

Accurate timing and synchronization can be accomplished in many ways. While your specific choice of technique depends on your requirements, adhering to proven standards make your…

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Network Timekeeping: NTP vs. SNTP

Industry LiteratureNetwork Timekeeping: NTP vs. SNTP

In the world of modern computing, accurate timing is everything. As networks grow increasingly complicated, they demand reliable standards that ensure...

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Introducing the New LUX26 Multi-Color Clock

Industry LiteratureIntroducing the New LUX26 Multi-Color Clock

Masterclock’s new 6-digit multi-color digital clock, the LUX26, changeincludes an array of state-of-the-art features that outperform other digital clocks on...

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GPS Threat Mitigation: Why Network Time Users Should Care

Industry LiteratureGPS Threat Mitigation: Why Network Time Users Should Care

Whether you use GPS to maintain accurate UTC for your facility’s IP-enabled security system or you simply employ it to keep your distributed scientific control...

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Daylight Saving Time Ending November 5th at 2AM

Industry LiteratureDaylight Saving Time Ending November 5th at 2AM

Daylight Saving Time ends at 2:00AM on Sunday, November 5, 2017. Here are a few DST facts you may not know: Although you probably hear it referred...

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GPS Over Fiber Optic Timing Technology

Industry LiteratureGPS Over Fiber Optic Timing Technology

In the world of timing systems, precision and accuracy are everything. In order to synchronize components across great distances, it’s vital that you retain...

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Digital Clocks Keep Manufacturing Facilities in Sync

Industry LiteratureDigital Clocks Keep Manufacturing Facilities in Sync

Synchronized time keeps your organization on-time, on-track, and on-budget while helping to ensure compliance with ever-increasing traceability...

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IRIG-B Time Code Generators

Industry LiteratureIRIG-B Time Code Generators

The IRIG-B time code is used in military, government, power industry, and many other commercial and industrial applications to ensure precise time synchronization. Time information is pulse-width...

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Network Synchronization: Public NTP Servers vs. GPS NTP Servers

Industry LiteratureNetwork Synchronization: Public NTP Servers vs. GPS NTP Servers

Measuring time is about more than merely knowing when events occur. It’s a vital prerequisite for synchronizing your operations, securing your data...

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Are You Ready for the Next GPS WNRO (Week Number Rollover)?

Industry LiteratureAre You Ready for the Next GPS WNRO (Week Number Rollover)?

Do your networks or systems use Coordinated Universal Time, or UTC? April 6, 2019, is probably a date worth marking in advance. Unlike a regular...

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Bus-Level Timing PCIe Cards Keep Your Network in Sync

Industry LiteratureBus-Level Timing PCIe Cards Keep Your Network in Sync

Masterclock manufactures a variety of precise timing PCIe cards to provide sub-millisecond synchronization accuracy for your server or PC. Our cards offer...

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Network Time Synchronization: Why You Need an NTP Server

Industry LiteratureNetwork Time Synchronization: Why You Need an NTP Server

A network time server is not something many business owners think of, and timekeeping is usually not a priority for network administrators. However...

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GPS vs. GNSS: Understanding PNT Satellite Systems

Industry LiteratureGPS vs. GNSS: Understanding PNT Satellite Systems

To most people, GNSS satellites are something vague that fly around in the upper atmosphere. From there, the technical details tend to get a bit hairy. As long...

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Masterclock and Partners at ITM/PTTI 2020

Company NewsMasterclock and Partners at ITM/PTTI 2020

The Masterclock team is getting ready for the 2020 Precise Time and Timing Interval (PTTI) conference, January 21-24 in San Diego, CA. The annual...

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What do Wall Street and Street Fighter V have in common?

By Dr. MatsakisWhat do Wall Street and Street Fighter V have in common?

We hear much about emergent properties of the internet. I might have guessed that the internet would enable high-speed trading – after all the Rothschilds...

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My Spin on Pulsars

By Dr. MatsakisMy Spin on Pulsars

The latest news on pulsar J1906+746 gives me an opportunity to spout off. For almost all my life I’ve heard that pulsars can be great clocks. But that was only after they ruled out “ET communications” and...

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Can You Ever Be Too Accurate?

By Dr. MatsakisCan You Ever Be Too Accurate?

Everyone knows that over-designing can lead to problems—but not everybody pays with his life. Poor Nikolai von Meck! An energetic man, he inherited his father’s fascination with railroads. His widowed...

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Masterclock and Sarsen Technology Form Partnership for UK Distribution

Company NewsMasterclock and Sarsen Technology Form Partnership for UK Distribution

Masterclock is proud to announce its newly minted partnership with UK distribution partner, Sarsen...

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Masterclock Awarded FAA Contract for Airport Surveillance Radar Modernization

Company NewsMasterclock Awarded FAA Contract for Airport Surveillance Radar Modernization

ST. CHARLES, MO: Masterclock, a manufacturer and provider of precise time and frequency solutions...

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Lise Meitner: A Woman I Admire

By Dr. MatsakisLise Meitner: A Woman I Admire

There are many admirable people, and each one of us typically resonates with certain classes of them. If you are fascinated by people who make brilliant discoveries in the face of irrational opposition, you might be...

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Masterclock Launches Global Sales Organization

Company NewsMasterclock Launches Global Sales Organization

ST. CHARLES, MO. May 4, 2020—Masterclock, Inc., a leading provider of time and frequency systems, announced today the launch of their Global Sales...

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Masterclock Syncs up with Aerogear for Representation

Company NewsMasterclock Syncs up with Aerogear for Representation

ST CHARLES, MO. June 2, 2020—Masterclock, Inc., a provider of time and frequency products and solutions to mission critical customers around the globe...

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Masterclock Devices Do Not Use Treck TCP/IP Stack

Company NewsMasterclock Devices Do Not Use Treck TCP/IP Stack

A recent update to many network security monitoring platforms incorrectly identifies many Masterclock network devices as having a critical vulnerability to...

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Daylight Saving Time… Friend, Foe, or a Force to be Mastered?

By Dr. MatsakisDaylight Saving Time… Friend, Foe, or a Force to be Mastered?

On this November 1, the continental USA “falls back” to standard time. Except for Arizona, which does not “spring forward” to daylight savings time except for...

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Musing on the Solstice

By Dr. MatsakisMusing on the Solstice

As this contentious year comes to its end, perhaps we should look to the heavens for a sign of convergence. It’s been done before. Try the western sky after sunset on December 21, our shortest day. Behold, you will...

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Defining & Using Traceability

By Dr. MatsakisDefining & Using Traceability

If you’re managing financial transactions, engineering an electrical utility system, or just want to be sure you have the right time, then you have probably heard the term traceability. It is often loosely, as a synonym...

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In Memory of Bill Clark

Company NewsIn Memory of Bill Clark

It is with heavy hearts that Masterclock announces the passing of our founder William “Bill” Clark on February 6, 2021 at the age of 83. Bill started Masterclock in the family garage after almost a decade of service in the...

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Will We Have a Negative Leap second?

By Dr. MatsakisWill We Have a Negative Leap second?

A few thousand years ago, most people believed the Sun was a god who crossed the sky each day. There was even an impetuous youngster, called Icarus...

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PoE Simplifies Timing System Clock Installation

Industry LiteraturePoE Simplifies Timing System Clock Installation

Power‐over‐Ethernet (PoE) extends versatility for system designers and companies. No longer does one have to locate access points within the typical six...

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Network Timing Technology: NTP vs. PTP

Industry LiteratureNetwork Timing Technology: NTP vs. PTP

Time synchronization serves a fundamental role in any network, but it’s too often added as an afterthought. However, it can mean the difference between...

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How Does GPS Network Time Synchronization Work?

Industry LiteratureHow Does GPS Network Time Synchronization Work?

Whether you’re trying to get people to show up for a meeting or managing a scalable cloud-based business application, synchronicity is vital. Countless...

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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

By Dr. MatsakisMirror, Mirror on the Wall

If everything we know travels forward in time, how can we say the fundamental laws of physics are time symmetric? There are other symmetries that also seem obvious: left-handedness vs. right-handedness...

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Years of Confusion: The Origins of The Modern Calendar

By Dr. MatsakisYears of Confusion: The Origins of The Modern Calendar

We are taught that the Spring Equinox, when the Sun is precisely overhead at the equator and when the day equals the night everywhere, falls exactly on...

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Tau Day: Are Two Pies Better Than One?

By Dr. MatsakisTau Day: Are Two Pies Better Than One?

Every geek knows that March 14 is Pi Day, because 3.14 is a 3-digit approximation of pi (π). Of course, π is an irrational number, so you can’t write it down...

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The Return of ET

By Dr. MatsakisThe Return of ET

In June 2021, the media made much of an unclassified Air Force report on what are now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), better known as UFOs. [1] Air Force pilots and other reliable people have...

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Good Things Take Time

By Dr. MatsakisGood Things Take Time

Nothing epitomizes the creative genius like Albert Einstein. In just one year, 1905, he published four landmark papers. The first explained the photoelectric effect by theorizing that light…

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It's Where You Find It

By Dr. MatsakisIt's Where You Find It

Rainbows mean a lot of things to a lot of people. In Genesis, the rainbow represents a covenant from God. A promise that the world will never again be destroyed by flood [1]. Rainbows often symbolize…

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Multicultural Time

By Dr. MatsakisMulticultural Time

I've blogged about the science of time[1]- but the engineering of time can be just as bizarre. For example, the most popular tourist spot in Prague is the clock at the Old Town Hall, where crowds...

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